Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm posting on my blog!!!! Are you surprised? Well this is going to be super short

Oh my gosh I'm sitting by a wall of windows and I just looked outside and I definitely saw a guy walking... not riding a bike... but walking with a helmet on. You can never be too safe, I guess. :)

Anyway. I've got some grief about not posting anything on here, so I thought I'd do a really short update.

Only one more month until I'll be home! And Garn is planning on coming with me! I'm excited for everyone to meet my best friend! Garn Brady is very nice young man that I met last semester. He is from Oregon too, but the other side. We have grown closer through the last six months and now we spend some time every day together. Not only is he my best friend, but as of two weeks today, he is my boyfriend. :) He's a really great guy and he helps me everyyy day.

So anyway classes are going pretty well. I believe I have A's in all of my classes. However yesterday we turned in a group project for a class that 45% of our grade is these group projects... So I really hope we did well on it. We'll see. I also have an exam in Science today that could greatly affect my grade. I have a group final presentation due in one week that is basically worth as many points that we have yet accumulated the entire semester! I also have my third math exam sometime before saturday but I took my last math quiz tuesday!!! :)

Anyway almost time for science. I can't wait to come home!