Friday, September 5, 2008

First Post

So I've moved into my dorm at BYU-I and I decided I should start a blog to keep in contact with the fam and friends! I just got here yesterday, but it feels like it's been forever. We got into I-teams, which I'm not sure how I feel about them... Mine got messed up and there are no boys in it, and the girls don't talk much to each other... But that's okay, I'm just all the more excited to go to my ward on Sunday and start classes. Speaking of my ward, my bishop came by today and met us and he asked me and my dorm-mate Michelle to team teach Gospel Doctrine this Sunday. As in 2 days from now.... He said there could be as many as 60 people in there! Welcome to the ward, Jessica!
Anyway, my roommates are great. I'm rooming with Ariel Russon, who is my friend from back home. I'm glad I've had her these past couple days! The other two girls in our dorm are Michelle and Ashley. Surprisingly, we're ALL from Oregon! Well I think I'll go take a look at that lesson manual.

I love you guys!


Nedra said...

Jess, that is a great bolg! But did you forget you can put pictures on it? You should put the one on with you and Ava in the pool, that is cute! I miss having you around here, but am so happy you are doing what you are! Keep up the good work.

Jessica Boggs said...

Actually I did forget. I should post some!! Thanks for reminding me!