Thursday, May 21, 2009


So this general conference was a momentous occasion for me. I got tickets from my bishop and for the first time ever I got to go be in the conference center for Saturday Morning session. It was way awesome and Garn, Karen, and Justin got to all sit right there with me!

After the session we went to a crazy Brazilian restaurant and ate and ate and ate. Garn got to sing in the Priesthood Session, so after we ate, we got him back to the Conference Center and Karen, Justin, and I began waiting... 

Lucky Justin got to go to Priesthood Session, but Karen and I had NOTHING to do for 6 hours!!! Sooo we met up with Garn's sister, Heather, and we went to Deseret Book for Ladie's Night (crazyyy idea--soo many ladies) and after a long time we went to the visitor's center and just read.. and read... and read.... and thus we waited for our men. It was quite torturous. We even saw the boys who watched it in the conference center come out. And we still waited. 

Well finally they came and Garn went to his aunt's house and I stayed with Karen and Justin. I got to go to the Larsen's house (a family who used to live in our ward) for Sunday morning session and they graciously provided delicious breakfast and conference on a big screen. It was fun seeing everyone again. Garn and I tried to go standby to the Sunday Afternoon session, but we were late and didn't try. We did watch it in the Joseph Smith memorial building, though. And then we journeyed home.. well to Rexburg :)